About us
Captain Hoyt Stepp is the Operations Manager. Stepp is a graduate of the Sheldon Jackson Police Academy in Sitka, Alaska; and worked for several years as a Police Officer in many of Alaska's rural communities and currently holds a basic certificate. Stepp has over ten years of law enforcement experience and has worked various security positions (body guard, university security, federal building security,airport security and armored transport). Stepp also served with distinction in the United States Marine Corps and is a combat veteran of the Gulf War.
Abby Madsen is the General Manager. Madsen is a long time resident of Juneau and has owned and operated many small businesses. Madsen currently is the owner of the Greatland Hotel (greatland@alaska.net) and works as the office manager of Design North.
Officer RJ Ely is a graduate of the Sheldon Jackson Police Academy in Sitka, Alaska; and has worked for over ten years as a Police Officer in many of Alaska's rural communities and currently holds an intermediate certificate. RJ has over ten years of law enforcement experience and currently holds certifications in ( ).
Officer John Boone holds a part-time position with Capital Security and holds various certificates with APSC (Alaska Police Standard Council) and other agencies throughout the state. Boone has previous security enforcement experience.
Officer Ike Lorentz holds a seasonal position with Capital Security and is a graduate of the Alaska State Trooper Academy in Sitka, Alaska; and previously retired with the Alaska State Troopers. Lorentz has worked for over twenty years as a Trooper in many of Alaska's rural communities and currently holds an advanced certificate. Lorentz also works as a seasonal police officer position with the Skagway Police Department. Lorentz currently holds certifications in ( ).